Power BI March Feature Update – Connectors and Bookmarking

Power BI March Feature Update – Connectors and Bookmarking

Power BI March updates

March brings some exciting updates to Power BI, including several of the most popular connectors becoming generally available and the release of bookmarking which allows you to create bookmarks from scratch in the Power BI Service. They are also previewing report page tooltips, which lets you use visuals in your own customer designed tooltips.

Key updates in this release

Connectors – The new DirectQuery multidimensional connector has hit general availability Bookmarking – In October, a preview of bookmarking was released, this is a tool that can be used for storytelling to app-like navigation. Since then the feature has been made generally available with the latest updates which include more flexibility.

  • You no longer need to turn bookmarking on through the Preview feature tab in the Options dialog.

  • You can create bookmarks in the Power BI service without needing to create a bookmark in Power BI Desktop first.

  • All custom visuals that are published by Microsoft on AppSource support bookmarking.

Full list of February updates

Please watch the overview video and see the following list of updates with links to details on what is new.

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